Friday, November 5, 2010

we regret too much not to be thankful

If you are like most of the people in the world, you probably regret something you have done in the past or maybe something you never did. I listen to music...regrets of musicians, lovers, friends. Most of us can relate to this sort of thing.

But, what if we don't want to have any regrets? Impossible? What if we made the most of what we have now? Sometimes we don't realize what we have until it is gone. We aren't thankful like we should be. We don't appreciate a person or give them what they deserve or even think about it until it is too late. A simple "I miss you" won't suffice anymore. Your pride gets in the way of an apology. You can't get it out of your head but there is nothing that you can do.

Thanksgiving is coming up soon. This is the time when I reflect on what I am thankful for; from things as small as a warm jacket to as big as amazing and loving parents. It is time for me to write my annual list and reflect. What are you thankful for?